15 Minutes Objective Review ARM U and discuss some of its main functions. Use Training, submitting time off request forms, downloading timesheets, and viewing the ARM contact list. Points to Cover Signing in Review quick links Contact list Review ARM Resources Time Off Request Form Review Tech Resources Help the new hire to create a […]
Client Applications – Feedback Checkpoint
20 Minutes Objective Review IFM and cover how it works, how to troubleshoot app issues, and transferring information into Field Note. Clients IFM is used by a number of different companies to submit maintenance requests. There could be any number of clients that use IFM. This will be denoted on the work order in Field […]
20 Minutes Objective Review submitting information in Field Note and ensure the new hire understands that the goal with these clients is to drive IVR compliance. Clients BBW & VSS (Bath & Body Works, Victoria’s Secret) Use All work order information for both Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works should be submitted in Field […]
20 Minutes Objective Review SMS and cover how it works, how to troubleshoot app issues, and transferring information into Field Note. Clients SMS is used by a number of different companies to submit maintenance requests. There could be any number of clients that use SMS. This will be denoted on the work order in Field […]
Service Channel
20 Minutes Objective Review Service Channel and cover how it works, how to troubleshoot app issues, and transferring information into Field Note. Clients Walgreens, Express, Walmart Use When completing work for the above clients. Submit photos, work order details, and time in and out to the client through Service Channel. Points to Cover
Office Applications – Feedback Checkpoint
Field Note
45 Minutes Objective Review Field Note thoroughly. Ensure that the new hire understands the role it plays in ARM operations as well as its relationships with client applications. Use Field Note is used by ARM to store all client information. Field Note is used by technicians in the field as well as the ARM home […]